当社はAdamas Mining社(Nomundari Zorigtbaatar CEO モンゴル)の専任窓口となり、日本企業の皆様にウラン・レアメタルなどの貴重な資源をご提供することとなりました。

Dear valued stakeholders,
I am pleased to report that our mining and exploration company has made significant progress over the past year. Our team has worked tirelessly to advance our projects and achieve our goals, despite the challenging operating environment.
We have successfully completed several exploration programs and made exciting new discoveries, which have added to our mineral resource base and expanded our pipeline of potential projects. In addition, our mining operations have continued to produce high-quality mineral products, contributing to our strong financial performance.
I want to express my appreciation to our employees, contractors, and partners, who have played a critical role in our success. Their hard work, dedication, and expertise have enabled us to overcome obstacles and achieve our objectives.
As we look ahead, we are committed to maintaining our focus on safety, sustainability, and responsible mining practices. We will continue to explore new opportunities and leverage our strengths to create long-term value for our stakeholders.
Thank you for your continued support and confidence in our company.